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Feature Roadmap

This page outlines upcoming features and improvements planned for our API service. These items are subject to change based on user feedback and evolving priorities.

Feature/Improvement Description Priority Label Status
Rolling Key Management Implement automatic rotation of API keys to enhance security High Security TODO
User Management Dashboard Create a web interface for users to manage their API keys and account settings High UI/UX TODO
Service Health Monitoring Implement comprehensive monitoring and alerting for all API services High DevOps TODO
Multi-factor Authentication Add 2FA option for user accounts Medium Security TODO
Inference Model Versioning Allow users to specify which version of the inference model they want to use Medium Infer Features TODO
Batch Processing API Implement endpoints for batch processing of documents or queries Medium API Features TODO
Auto-scaling for Inference Services Implement auto-scaling for inference services based on demand Medium Server TODO
Custom Vocabulary for NLP Tasks Allow users to provide custom vocabularies for NLP tasks Low Infer Features TODO
API Usage Analytics Dashboard Provide detailed analytics on API usage for users Low UI/UX TODO
Webhook Integration Allow users to set up webhooks for asynchronous notifications Low API Features TODO
Multi-language Support for Documentation Translate API documentation into multiple languages Low Documentation TODO
Integration with Popular CI/CD Platforms Provide easy integration with platforms like Jenkins, GitLab CI, etc. Medium CI/CD TODO
Enhanced Rate Limiting Options Allow users to customize rate limiting rules Low API Features TODO
Scheduled Index Updates Enable users to schedule regular updates for their indexed content Medium Indexing Features TODO
Cross-Region Data Replication Implement data replication across multiple geographic regions for improved reliability and performance High Server TODO
Advanced Query Language Develop a more expressive query language for complex search operations Medium Search Features TODO
Federated Learning Support Implement federated learning capabilities for distributed model training Low Infer Features TODO
Dark Mode for Documentation Add a dark mode option for the API documentation Low UI/UX TODO
API Versioning Implement a robust API versioning system to support multiple API versions simultaneously High API Features TODO
Enhanced Error Reporting Provide more detailed and actionable error messages Medium API Features TODO
Inference Result Caching Implement caching for inference results to improve response times for repeated queries Medium Performance TODO
Customizable Search Ranking Allow users to adjust search ranking algorithms Low Search Features TODO
Automated Data Validation Implement automated checks for data quality and consistency during indexing Medium Indexing Features TODO
Interactive API Explorer Add an interactive API explorer in the documentation for testing endpoints Medium Documentation TODO
GDPR Compliance Tools Develop tools to help users comply with GDPR requirements High Compliance TODO
Sentiment Analysis API Add sentiment analysis capabilities to the inference API Low Infer Features TODO
Bulk Export of API Usage Logs Allow users to export their API usage logs in bulk Low API Features TODO
Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration Support SSO integration for enterprise users Medium Security TODO
Real-time Collaboration Features Implement features for real-time collaboration on document editing and annotation Low Collaboration TODO
Implement Actual Search Functionality Replace random results with actual search functionality based on specified search types High Search Features TODO
Advanced Pagination Engine Develop a separate engine for pagination management to handle features like next and previous page navigation Medium Search Features TODO
Sophisticated Scoring System Develop a more sophisticated scoring system based on relevance to the query, replacing random float values High Search Features TODO
Expanded Search Parameters Expand search_params to include more options beyond just doc_id Medium Search Features TODO
Comprehensive Error Handling Implement proper error handling and return appropriate error codes and messages for the search API High API Features TODO
Additional Filters Structure Clarify and document the exact structure and possibilities for additional_filters in the search API Medium Documentation TODO
Search Result Caching Implement a caching mechanism for frequently performed searches to improve performance High Performance TODO
Search Security Measures Implement security measures such as rate limiting or query complexity limits for the search API High Security TODO
"Did You Mean" Feature Add a "suggestions" or "did you mean" feature for misspelled queries in the search API Medium Search Features TODO
Bulk Indexing Add support for submitting multiple documents in a single request to improve efficiency for large-scale indexing operations High API Features TODO
Indexing Progress Tracking Implement a more detailed progress tracking system for large documents, providing percentage completion or estimated time remaining Medium UI/UX TODO
Reindexing Add an endpoint to reindex a document without having to delete and re-add it manually Medium API Features TODO
Partial Updates Allow updating specific fields or metadata of an indexed document without reindexing the entire content High API Features TODO
Scheduled Indexing Implement a feature to schedule document indexing for a future time or set up recurring indexing jobs Medium Indexing Features TODO
Index Optimization Add endpoints for manual index optimization, such as merging segments or forcing a refresh Low Performance TODO
Custom Analyzers Allow users to specify custom analyzers or tokenizers for specific fields during the indexing process Medium Indexing Features TODO
Document Versioning Implement document versioning to keep track of changes and allow reverting to previous versions if needed Medium Indexing Features TODO
Indexing Callbacks Add support for webhook notifications when indexing is complete or if errors occur during the process Medium API Features TODO
Index Statistics Provide an endpoint to retrieve statistics about the index, such as the total number of documents, index size, and last update time Low API Features TODO
Batch Processing API Implement endpoints for batch processing of documents or queries High API Features TODO
Indexing Priorities Implement a priority system for the indexing queue to process more important documents first Medium Indexing Features TODO
Indexing Templates Implement pre-defined indexing templates for common document types to simplify the indexing process Low Indexing Features TODO
Field Mapping Provide functionality to map fields from the input data to specific indexed fields, allowing for more flexible document structures Medium Indexing Features TODO
Error Logs Retrieval Implement detailed error logging for failed indexing attempts and provide an endpoint to retrieve these logs High API Features TODO
Automated Data Validation Implement automated checks for data quality and consistency during indexing Medium Indexing Features TODO
Content Extraction Enhancements Improve content extraction capabilities for various file formats (PDF, DOC, etc.) High Indexing Features TODO
Multi-language Indexing Support Enhance indexing to better handle documents in multiple languages Medium Indexing Features TODO
Indexing Plugins Develop a plugin system to allow custom pre-processing or post-processing of documents during indexing Low Extensibility TODO
Incremental Indexing Implement an efficient way to index only the changes in large documents rather than reindexing the entire content High Performance TODO
Index Rollback Add the ability to roll back the index to a previous state in case of indexing errors or data corruption Medium Reliability TODO
Distributed Indexing Implement a distributed indexing system to handle very large document collections more efficiently High Scalability TODO
Real-time Indexing Provide options for real-time or near-real-time indexing for time-sensitive applications Medium Performance TODO
Custom Stopwords and Synonyms Allow users to define custom stopwords and synonyms for indexing Low Indexing Features TODO
Index Compression Implement advanced compression techniques to reduce the size of the index without sacrificing performance Medium Performance TODO
Indexing API Versioning Implement a robust versioning system for the Indexing API to support multiple versions simultaneously High API Features TODO
Indexing Sandbox Provide a sandbox environment for testing indexing configurations without affecting the production index Medium DevOps TODO

This roadmap provides a high-level overview of planned improvements and new features. We prioritize these items based on user feedback, market trends, and strategic goals. The priorities and timelines may adjust as we continue to evolve our service.

We encourage our users to provide feedback on these planned features and suggest new ideas that could enhance the API's functionality and user experience.

Legend for Labels:

  • Security: Features related to enhancing the security of the API and user data
  • UI/UX: Improvements to user interfaces and overall user experience
  • DevOps: Features related to deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of the API infrastructure
  • Infer Features: New capabilities or improvements to the inference API
  • API Features: General improvements or additions to API functionality
  • Server: Backend infrastructure and performance improvements
  • CI/CD: Features related to continuous integration and deployment
  • Documentation: Improvements to API documentation and developer resources
  • Indexing Features: Enhancements to the document indexing capabilities
  • Search Features: Improvements to search functionality and algorithms
  • Performance: Optimizations to improve overall API performance
  • Compliance: Features to ensure compliance with regulations and standards
  • Collaboration: Features that enable better collaboration among API users

We're committed to continuously improving our API service. This roadmap provides a high-level overview of planned improvements and new features. We prioritize these items based on user feedback, market trends, and strategic goals. The priorities and timelines may adjust as we continue to evolve our service.

We encourage our users to provide feedback on these planned features and suggest new ideas that could enhance the API's functionality and user experience. Stay tuned for updates as we roll out these features and enhancements!